Cotton Seed
Cottonseed, Whole is high in protein, fat, fiber and energy. This combination of nutrients in one feedstuff is unusual. Whole cottonseed with the lint still attached is white and fuzzy in appearance. It sometimes is called “fuzzy seed,” and has the analysis shown below. Whole cottonseed from which the lint has been removed is called delinted seed, is black and smooth in appearance, and tends to be slightly higher in protein and fat than the fuzzy seed. Research at the Universities of California and Pennsylvania has shown that feeding whole cottonseed to milking cows can stimulate higher milk fat test and help maintain milk persistency. It should be fed at the rate of 4 to 7 pounds (1.8 to 3.1 kg) per cow per day. Mechanically delinted seed has the same effect as fuzzy seed. Whole cottonseeds do not need to be crushed or processed in any way before feeding.
Blueberry Fiber
Blueberries left over from processing and juice pressing operation. Dried down to a level for grinding purposes.
When we squeeze blueberry to obtain our blueberry concentrate, we use the rest of the fruit (skin, pulp and seeds) to elaborate our blueberry pomace. When our blueberry pomace is ready, it can be utilized in the elaboration of many beverage products, such as alcoholic drinks, soft drinks, juices, etc. but also in food products (bakery products, dairy, etc.).
Sorghum is a nutrient-rich cereal grain. It’s low in fat, but high in protein, fiber, B vitamins, and micronutrients.
Ground Peanut Hulls
Finely ground peanut hulls are made of fibrous material, which is light to dark brown with no detectable odor.
With shells or without, deer eat peanuts; they're actually one of their favorite foods. Nuts include pecans, acorns, beechnuts, hickory nuts, and many more. Deer go after peanuts during the fall or early winter to fuel up with enriching nutrients.
Protein 6% – 8%
Total carbohydrate: 79%
Moisture 6.5% Maximum typical 6.0
Water: (wt/wt basis): 51 – 52%
Oil: (wt/wt basis): 31 – 32%
Water: (wt/wt basis): 168% – 169%
Oil: (wt/wt basis): 90% – 91%
Crude fiber: 57.7%
Lignin 6.78%
Cellulose: 51 – 55%
Total dry matter: 12.7%
Calories: 350 per 100g
Dietary fiber, total: 71g per 100g
Sorghum is also a highly attractive and digestible source of nutrition for deer that provides a source of carbohydrates during the winter months and can be a great alternative to planting corn in areas where natural, cool-season vegetation is scarce.
Protein: 11 grams
Fat: 3 grams
Water 12.4 g
Energy 329 kcal
Energy 1380kJ
Total lipid (fat) 3.46g
Ash 1.43 g
Carbohydrate, by difference 72.1 g
Fiber, total dietary 6.7 g
Sugars, total including NLEA 2.53g
Calcium, Ca 13mg
Iron, Fe 3.36mg
Magnesium, Mg 165 mg
Phosphorus, P 289 mg
Potassium, K 363 mg
Sodium, Na 2 mg
Zinc, Zn 1.67 mg
Copper, Cu 0.284 mg
Manganese, Mn 1.6 mg
Selenium, Se 12.2 µg
Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid 0 mg
Thiamin 0.332 mg
Riboflavin 0.096 mg
Niacin 3.69 mg
Pantothenic acid 0.367 mg
Vitamin B-6 0.443 mg
Folate, total 20 µg
Folic acid 0 µg
Folate, food 20 µg
Folate, DFE 20 µg
Vitamin B-12 0 µg
Vitamin A, RAE 0 µg
Retinol 0 µg
Vitamin A, IU 0 IU
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) 0.5 mg
Vitamin D (D2 + D3), International Units 0 IU
Vitamin D (D2 + D3) 0 µg
Fatty acids, total saturated 0.61 g
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated 1.13 g
MUFA 16:1 0.016 g
MUFA 18:1 1.1 g
MUFA 20:1 0.011 g
MUFA 24:1 c 0.003 g
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated 1.56 g
Whole cottonseed is known to be a good source of energy, fat, fiber, and protein.
Dry matter 93 %
Crude Protein 24.0 %
Fat 17.0 %
Crude fiber 24.0 %
Neutral Detergent Fiber 40.9 %
Acid Detergent Fiber 30.8 %
Calcium 0.14 %
Phosphorus 0.68 %
Total Digestible Nutrients 91.0 %
Net energy—Lactation 94.1 Mcal/100 lbs
Apples are the original superfood. Its fiber is a natural co-product made from the apple pomace generated from the processing of apples and its whole fruit powder processes the whole apple capturing every last drop of vitamins, minerals and flavor that fruit has to offer. Apples are known for their high levels of important antioxidants, flavanoids and dietary fiber. It is also rich in vitamins C, B-complex and Phytonutrients.
Carbohydrates Calculated 86.2
Total Sugars 22g
Added Sugars 0
Total Fat 2g
Protein 5.4
Moisture 4.8
Crude Protein 12.1
Available Protein 7.9
Unavailable Protein 4.2
Neutral Det. Crude Protein 5.5
Adjusted Protein 9.6
Soluble Protein 1.6
Crude Protein 12.1
Available Protein 7.9
Unavailable Protein 4.2
Neutral Det. Crude Protein 5.5
Adjusted Protein 9.6
Soluble Protein 1.6
Item description
RAW Carbs
% PER POUND @ .15 LB.